Enhancing Security and Signal Intelligence for Commercial Properties: A Must in Today’s Environment

As a property owner or manager of a commercial facility in the United States, ensuring robust security measures is paramount, especially in retail establishments and high-traffic areas. With the ever-evolving security landscape and the increasing need to safeguard people, assets, and operations, implementing additional security measures has become necessary rather than an option. The Pressing […]

The Benefits of Store-as-a-Medium

Companies like Intel see significant benefits in promoting the “Store-as-a-Medium” or concept, which treats physical retail stores as advertising and engagement channels. Here’s a summary of the key benefits for Intel and similar technology providers: 1. New revenue streams: By enabling stores to become media channels, Intel and its partners can help retailers monetize their […]

Unlocking New Revenue Streams with Passive Signal Intelligence

As a property owner in today’s increasingly connected world, you may be sitting on an untapped revenue opportunity – passive signal intelligence. Companies like Klok Applications are pioneering ways for property owners to monetize their buildings’ wireless environments. What is Passive Signal Intelligence? Passive signal intelligence involves capturing and analyzing the radio frequency (RF) signals […]